A very special offer from Demtelle

Don't forget, you can order your very own "Come and get me" Elle Doll. This anatomically correct doll (occasionally used in child therapy - "Point out on the dolly where the naughty man touched you.") is supplied in its default laid back position. The arms are completely movable and the head bobs up and down, making it ideal for the rear parcel shelf of your car. (If there is smoke around, or cookies, or little squares of paper, or tablets, or . . . the head bobs up and down even more!)

Due to a manufacturing fault however the legs won't bend very easily, however with a little persistence you should be able to get them to bend. The hair is 100% natural however it has been lacquered in order to keep it in place. It has also been Scotch-guarded® for reasons best known only to the manufacturers.

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